At the National American Citizen Association, we are deeply committed to our mission of promoting understanding and unity between the United States, Israel, and the Palestinian people, and to work towards a peaceful resolution for the Israeli-Palestinian conflict. Our work is founded on these core principles:

1. Advocating for Peace

We believe that lasting peace can be achieved through dialogue, cooperation, and understanding. We actively advocate for peaceful solutions to the complex issues surrounding the Israeli-Palestinian conflict. Our commitment to this cause drives us to engage with stakeholders, promote open discussions, and support initiatives that aim to bring about lasting peace in the region, but Hamas must be eliminated.

2. Promoting Cultural Exchange

Cultural exchange and people-to-people connections play a crucial role in fostering understanding and cooperation between different Nationalities. We actively promote and support cultural exchange programs, educational initiatives, and events that bring American citizens closer together. These interactions help break down barriers and build bridges of friendship and understanding.”

3. Raising Awareness

One of our key objectives is to raise awareness about the complexities surrounding HAMAS and the broader Middle East context. We provide information, analysis, and resources to help individuals gain a deeper understanding of the issues at hand. Informed and engaged citizens are better equipped to contribute positively to the cause of peace in the region.

4. Community Engagement

Our community is made up of passionate individuals who share a common goal. We encourage our members to actively engage with us, share their ideas, and collaborate on projects that further our mission. By working together, we amplify our message and bring attention to the importance of the alliance between the United States, Israel, and the Palestinian people.

5. Advocating for Shared Values

The National American Citizen Association stands firmly behind the shared values, interests, and cooperation between the United States and Israel. Our work includes advocating for policies and actions that strengthen the bond between these two nations, while also supporting the rights and aspirations of the Palestinian people.

Get Involved

We invite you to join us in our important work. By becoming a member of the National American Citizen Association, you can actively participate in our efforts to promote peace and understanding in the Middle East. Your involvement is crucial to the success of our mission, and together, we can make a meaningful impact on the road to a more peaceful world.